Monday, October 10, 2011

This is what we are going to do

Today is Tuesday, Oct 11. On Thursday night around 7PM, Seadar and I and whoever else wants to help will be at the Factory Studios building at 1255 A Gregory Lane, in the same building as Igneous skis. We're going to make some signs, and talk about ways to make this Occupation work.

On Saturday, at noon, I'll be going to the Town Square with a sign and probably a guitar, and I'm going to stay there for the rest of the day. I hope you will all join me. On Sunday, I'll do it again. And over those days, I hope that we will figure out a way to make this last.

I'm not in charge of this Occupation, nor is Seadar, and neither is anyone else who might claim that they are. This belongs to all of us. We will all do what we can. I like to write, and I know how to blog, and so I plan on keeping this blog going with updates and commentary. What can you do to help?

But I want to stress that I am only speaking for myself, and that the one and only unified message that I hope Occupy JH will send is that we are no longer going to accept a government and a society that is controlled by and for the benefit of 1% of us.

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